Career Transitions and Your Mental Health
Thursday February 21, 12-1p, Career Services Room 1109
Graduate school can be intense, overwhelming, and stressful for most students – and that’s just the research and coursework aspects. Add in the extra anxiety of navigating a career transition at the end of grad school and it’s no wonder that the process can take a serious toll on your mental health. In this workshop, we’ll cover important techniques for addressing your own mental health during this precarious phase, including how to manage expectations, set realistic goals, and balance competing demands on your time and energy.
Facilitators: Lana Smith-Hale (Graduate Career Counselor) and Darren Del Castillo (CAPS Psychologist)

Negotiation Workshop
Friday, February 22, 9a-12p, Library Room 1312
Your ability to successfully and routinely advocate for yourself drives your professional advancement and compensation and also contributes to your self-worth and confidence. In this workshop, you’ll work though a strategic planning checklist to make sure you’re completely prepared for any problem-solving, value-creating negotiation. We’ll follow that up by diving right into the heart of the at-the-table process. Through group work and skill drills you’ll learn practical, highly tactical skills like anchoring, framing, diagnostic questioning, labeling, mirroring, and silence, so you can begin implementing them immediately in your upcoming negotiations.
Click here to reserve your spot at this popular workshop.

Facilitator: Lisa Gates (Co-Founder, SheNegotiates)
Lisa Gates is a negotiation and leadership coach and co-founder of She Negotiates. She combines story-telling, career development strategies, and collaborative negotiation best practices, and nests them in women’s lived experiences to come up with solutions that help them become bolder, braver, and better paid. Lisa is the author of several on-demand courses at LinkedIn Learning and, including Asking for a Raise, Negotiation Foundations, Conflict Resolution Foundations, Coaching and Developing Employees, and Coaching for Results. She has been featured by CNN, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, NPR and PRI’s Marketplace, among many others.
Make Your Career Story Stand Out
Tuesday, February 26, 10am-12pm, Elings 1601
Effective storytelling is an incredible way to make yourself stand out. However, many people do not understand how to use storytelling to their advantage. In this workshop, you will learn how to utilize stories to network effectively and make a lasting impression. Explore how to craft powerful imagery, create a concise narrative, and capture your audience’s attention

Facilitator: Bri McWhorter (CEO, Activate to Captivate)
Bri McWhorter, MFA, is the founder and CEO of Activate to Captivate, where she teaches communication techniques from an actor’s point of view. She specializes in public speaking, scientific communications, interpersonal skills and interview techniques. She has developed various workshops and programs that help universities expand their professional development training. Beyond working with academics, she is a presentation coach for TEDx events, educational non-profits, and various corporations.
Writing Effective Resumes & Cover Letters for Non-Academic Jobs
Tuesday February 26, 3-4p, Student Resource Building Room 2154
If you are looking to pursue career opportunities outside of academia, your resume and cover letter are your tickets into that world. But many grad students may not know how to present themselves and their experience in a way that connects with non-academic employers. This workshop will explore important techniques that will help you expertly craft and strategically target your resume and cover letter so you can get over the first application hurdle and on to an interview!
Facilitators: Lana Smith-Hale (Graduate Career Counselor) and Daniel Elkin (Graduate Career Peer)

STEM Industry Panel & Mixer
Friday, March 1
YOUNG PROFESSIONALS PANEL DISCUSSION: 5-5:45pm, Elings 1601 (dinner provided, no RSVP required)
WINE MIXER: 6-8pm, Elings Hall Lobby (space limited, RSVP required)
Join for an informative panel discussion and networking mixer to discuss careers in industry for STEM majors. The young professional panel will be an informal Q&A event for graduate students featuring four Santa Barbara area professionals with PhD or Master’s degrees: Sonjia Polanco (Yuppy Puppy), Fawn Weider (Agilent Technologies), Mike Garcia (Toyon), and Ricardo Alamillo (Apeel Sciences). Stick around for the mixer afterward, featuring appetizers and wine.
An RSVP is required for the wine mixer; click here to sign up.
Co-Sponsors: Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), Procore, Women in Science & Engineering (WiSE), Center for Science & Engineering Partnerships (CSEP), and Beyond Academia